Learning Music Symbols and their Meaning


Musical notes are written in symbols or easily distinguishable marks. The musical notes have a pitch, duration, and intensity. It is beneficial to have knowledge about these marks. The meaning of music symbols is given in this article.  

    The mnemonics “Every Good Boy Does Fine” and “All Cows Eat Grass,” helps kids memorize the notes on the lines of the treble clef and the spaces of the bass clef, respectively.


    Sheet music or music notation employs a series of symbols and marks that pertain to certain notes, pitches, and tones. Music notations are visually represented symbols, which often include both modern and ancient musical symbols.

    Modern music notation is commonly used by musicians of different genres throughout the world and is said to have its origins in European classical music. This popular system uses a five-line staff to place the musical notes. Sheet music used is as a record or a guide to perform or compose a piece of music.


    To be able to read this sheet music, one has to study the musical notations, for which, one has to be acquainted with the symbols used to represent the notes. 

    Below is a list of the musical symbols employed to write sheet music:

    The staff (or music stave as it is also called) is the series of 5 lines and 4 spaces that music is written down on. Music notation developed from one single line, used in the early days of writing down church chants. The first person to come up with the idea of writing music down on a line was Guido of Arezzo who was a Benedictine monk and singing teacher who became famous across North Italy for the speed at which he managed to teach students to sing chants. He also invented the doh-re-me system, although it was called ut-re-me when he first developed it.

    The terms music staff and music stave are interchangeable. Staff tends to be the American usage and Stave tends to be the British usage. I shall use staff on this site.


Ledger or leger lines extend the staff to pitches that fall below it. It is a short line added above or below the staff. Ledger lines are generally placed behind note heads and are spaced at the same distance as the lines of the staff. A range of notes that go beyond the two staff is put on extra short lines or between the spaces formed between them.

Vertical lines called bars are used to connect the upper and lower staffs of the grand staff. The vertical bars are used to divide the staff into measures. 

A single bar line is used to separate a measure. Each bar or measure refers to a segment of time that is defined by a given number of beats and note values. To make it easier to understand, the term bar refers only to the vertical line, while the term measure refers to the beats that are contained between two bars.

A double barline is used to separate two sections of music. A double bar line is also used to signify changes in the key signature, time signature, or major changes in style and tempo. A dotted bar is used to subdivide long measures of a complex meter into shorter segments.


A bold double bar or the end line is used to indicate the end of a movement in a piece of music. It is used to signify the end of an entire composition.

A bracket is generally used to indicate the connection between the staff of two or more separate instruments. To say the least, it is used to connect two or more lines of music that are to be played simultaneously by multiple instruments.

The brace on the other hand connects two or more lines of music played simultaneously by a single instrument. Also called an accolade, the brace connects multiple parts for a single instrument (the right and left-hand stave of a piano―for instance is connected using a brace).

The stave, essentially, is mere lines; however, the presence of the clef marking the beginning of the stave is what assigns a certain pitch to the notes. The clef, in other words, helps to accurately relate to the pitch of the musical note placed on or between specific lines on the stave. In short, a clef is used to fix the position of certain high and low notes on the stave.

G Clef or the Treble Clef

Originally resembling the capital letter ‘G’, the treble clef fixes the second line as the note G on the stave. The treble clef denotes the high notes on the stave and is commonly used for most modern vocal music.

F Clef or the Bass Clef

The bass clef fixes the fourth line as the note ‘F’ on the bass stave. The two dots placed above and below the fourth line from the bottom of the staff is the pitch F. Specifically used in choral music, the bass clef represents the bass and baritone voices.

C Clef or Alto and Tenor Clef

The alto and tenor clef fixes the third line on the stave as the middle C. In modern notation, it is used for the viola and is often used when composing music using the bassoon, cello, trombone, and double bass. It is a movable clef, and when it points to the fourth line, it is called a tenor clef.

Octave Clef

The octave clef is nothing but a modified version of either the treble or the bass clef. The number 8 or 15 is affixed either to the top or bottom of the clef to raise or lower the intended pitch by one or two octaves, respectively. Generally, you will find a treble clef with an eight below in notes written for the guitar and the octave mandolin.


Used specifically for stringed instruments, the tablature or Tab is often written instead of a clef. Like the neutral clef, the Tab clef is not a true clef, but a mere symbol used instead of a clef. Tablature generally involves writing notes on six lines when writing notes for a regular six-string guitar.

Neutral Clef

The neutral clef is used while composing musical notes for non-pitched percussion instruments like drums and cymbals. It is simply used as a convention to indicate that the lines and spaces on the stave are assigned to a percussion instrument with no precise pitch. Generally, it is not a compulsion for the neutral clef to be placed on a regular five-stave, it can be placed on a single stave or line.

Notes and Rests

Notes represent the length of time of a particular pitch. Each note stands for a particular number of beats. In written music, the length of a note is shown by its shape. When there is no note sounding, a rest is written, and the duration is shown by its shape. To make things easier, we have classified notes on the basis of their relationship with the whole note or a semi-breve.

Whole Note or Semibreve

A hollow oval note head represents a whole note or a semibreve. The length of a full note is equivalent to four beats in a 4/4 time. A whole note receives 4 counts, which means, you have to hold the note for its full value.

A whole rest corresponds to a whole note, which means, the rest period is equivalent to the duration of the musical note. A whole rest is denoted by a filled-in rectangle hanging under the second line from the top of the staff.






Wondering what Hugh Jackman, Kobe Bryant, Lebron James, and Madonna have in common? 

                                   Yes, they are all ultra-successful, and they - meditate!

Meditations are getting very popular today, and it is entirely natural. Meditation is not only meant for hippies, saints, and Buddhist monks. It has been proven to not only help intensifies physical relaxation and relieve depression but may also help bone, muscle, and joint pain brought about by arthritis. Taking a few minutes each day to make a stop, rest ad breathe can help to ease arthritis pain. As a bonus, it will also make your mood a whole lot better.

 Maybe many people have even tried doing meditation – but got bored after each session. There is no magic formula for meditating. It is the practice of a united mind and body as well as discipline.

 Meditation is a form of total acceptance. It requires time and patience. For those who are willing to get well, one should be prepared to use spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical modalities to heal. After some time of proper meditative practice, different enormous experiences may be felt, including a reduction of pain.


How to Start your Meditation for Arthritis Pain Relief

Try these tips and techniques to add this powerful practice into your daily routine:

Seek Guidance.

For beginners, a competent and qualified meditation instructor can guide and help you get started. For quality meditation practice, it is essential to understand the basic foundations of correct practice. Meditation is relatively easy to do, but as a beginner, it does not always come naturally. It is the antithesis of how we are conditioned to think and act in this busy day and age.

Meditation Environment. 

Try active meditation.  Find a quiet location, a comfortable place, and make sure that nothing can bother or disturb you. Control interruptions by planning your day. To make the reflection more active, heighten the senses by adding scented sticks and by putting on some meditational or relaxing music.



Place your body in a relaxing state. Sit in any position as long as you are comfortable.  Meditate either on a floor or a chair or in any quiet place.  Sit comfortably by crossing your legs, locking your fingers, and closing your eyes. The eyes are the door of the brain so it should close. Closing the eyes also helps to concentrate on the inner world. Just relax, totally relax. Energy sets on its form, and it gives strength to our body and tries to empty the mind throughout meditation. Keep it brief-You don’t have to spend all day or an hour a day to set aside for meditation, take at least 5 or 10-minute meditation breaks throughout the day.

Eliminate Distractions.

 It is essential to adjust focus and follow a guided practice for doing it right to get the best results. Don’t think of anything beyond. When the body rests, consciousness intensifies. Try to empty the mind or have no thoughts in at all, for at least 9 seconds to receive cosmic energy, and to allow the brain to relax and finally embrace the surrounding environment. A recorded voice guide playing through your speakers may help focus on a beautiful, relaxing view. This experience will help the body stay in a healthy state.

 Bring the Meditative Mentality Everywhere

The intention of meditating is to bring about a higher degree of awareness of our thoughts so that our outlook and mood may change for the better. It is more than just a technique. It becomes a way of life. Learning meditation is a desirable investment to enhance your quality of life. Drugs and a restricted diet are not much needed because healing comes from the deep emotional release which is a product of your meditation practice. 

No matter how uncomfortable, how bored, and how it seems like nothing at all is happening, all of those are good if the person is showing up and are doing the meditation. Learning the correct way of meditation is a skill that can be learned over time. What matters is for you to decide to begin your meditation practice today.





     Creaky joints – the malady of old age. This is a sure sign that we can never run against father time. Stiff and painful joints are one of the most common complaints of aging people coupled with forgetfulness, wrinkles, and lack of energy. Yet you’ll be surprised to know that this pain and suffering is preventable, if not entirely avoidable.

Let us dive deep to discuss this all-too-common serious health situation called osteoarthritis. In this article, you can get valuable insights and ideas on how to make your life easier and your days better if you are suffering from this condition.

Osteoarthritis Facts

Are you suffering from joint pain and stiffness? Do you find it hard to move and be active aging is finally creeping up in your body?  The reason behind this pain is worth your attention. Here are interesting titbits of information about osteoarthritis:

      Most people think of arthritis, osteoporosis, and bone density problems as an “old person’s” condition, but it can affect many younger people, even athletes, causing pain and limitation of activity.

      Osteoarthritis occurs when the slippery tissue that covers the ends of bones in a joint has been damaged or wears down over time.

      Osteoarthritis affects only joints and does not affect the internal organs.

      It can be because of aging changes in the bone, heredity, and injury from trauma or disease.

·         Osteoarthritis affects joints in your hands, knees, hips, and spine.

      Symptoms vary significantly, depending on how severe they are and which joints are affected.

      Ultimate treatment plan goals and objectives of osteoarthritis are to reduce joint pain and inflammation while improving and maintaining joint function.

      Though some of the joint changes are irreversible, most patients will not need joint replacement surgery.

      The damage of osteoarthritis is irreversible, but experts are trying to find ways to slow this joint damage.

      Your diet and lifestyle during your younger years will contribute to osteoarthritis as you go older.


What is Osteoarthritis?

 Osteoarthritis is the most common joint disorder. It likely begins with the breakdown of articular cartilage, an active material that cushions and protects the bone ends. Cartilage allows bones to smoothly glide over one another and effectively absorb the shock of physical movement.

  Friction in the joint causes pain, swelling, and decreased range of motion. Sometimes small deposits of bone, known as osteophytes, start to grow at the edge of the joint. If these osteophytes break off and float into the joint space, they can cause more pain and damage.

 Types of Osteoarthritis

OA (Osteoarthritis) is classed as either primary or as secondary to a diagnosed cause. There’s not much of a difference in signs and symptoms, but there is a difference in what causes the cartilage to break down in the first place.

·    Primary Osteoarthritis (OA) or idiopathic

It tends to develop starting from the age of 55 or 60, due to aging “wear and tear” over time.

·   Secondary Osteoarthritis (OA)

This type of osteoarthritis occurs with a specific cause, such as:

ü Injury- If you fracture a bone in an accident

ü An effect of obesity -every extra pound you gain adds pressure to your joints

ü Genetics - if osteoarthritis seems to run in your family

ü Inactivity - if you’re inactive, you tend to develop weaker muscles and tendons that surround the joint

ü Caused by another disease – infection

 Causes of Osteoarthritis

Joints consist of natural shock absorbers known as cartilage. The cartilage cushions the end of the bones deteriorates and reduces friction in healthy joints.

The cartilage breakdown because it does not have its blood supply as it relies on the synovial fluid to provide nourishment. Inadequate nutrition may be a factor in the development of arthritic changes. Inflammation and injury are causing the breaking down of cartilage tissues to the common resulting in swelling, pain, limited movements of the joints, and deformity of the joint.

 Risk Factors

 There are risk factors that you cannot control in developing osteoarthritis.

1.    Aging

2.    Other hereditary disorders

3.    Obesity

4.    Fracture around the joint.

5.    Gender. Over the age of 50, women are more to develop osteoarthritis than men.

6.    Genetic defect or joint abnormality that makes them more vulnerable.

Symptoms and Signs

Symptoms appear gradually. It typically starts after age 40 and gets worse over time with slow progression. The joint may lose its regular shape.

Signs and symptoms of osteoarthritis include:

        swollen joints,

        joint stiffness,


        joint creaking, and

        loss of function




No single test can diagnose osteoarthritis. Most rheumatologists use several methods, including medical history, a physical exam, x-rays, or lab tests.

Blood tests are performed to exclude Infectious diseases that can cause secondary osteoarthritis, as well as to eliminate other arthritis conditions that can mimic osteoarthritis.

When to see a doctor

If you have joint pain or stiffness that doesn't go away, better make an appointment with your doctor. Don’t attempt to self-medicate as most pain medications offer nothing but temporary pain relief.

Too many pain medications taken over the course of your life can also negatively affect your kidneys. It’s better to go right through the root cause of your pain by modifying your lifestyle and nutrition. This is better than “Band-Aid” pain pills relief.


 At present, no remedy could stop the erosion of cartilage in its joints but there are supplements that can help you to manage your pain and swelling.  It will likely get worse over time, but the symptoms can be managed. There are ways to reduce pain and to improve and strengthen the muscles around the affected joints.

     Doctors prescribe medicines to eliminate or. Procedures differ from the use of alternative medicine such as acetaminophen, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), corticosteroids, and more.

    Exercise, diet, lifestyle changes, physical therapy exercises, and physical aids such as canes or braces that provide support and alignment may reduce joint pain. Treatments sometimes include surgical intervention if the symptoms don't improve.

Osteoarthritis is currently a significant public health problem. There are no highly effective pharmaceutical treatments that exist to cure osteoarthritis, and surgical options are expensive and not widely available.

    However, osteoarthritis is a manageable disease. A vital strategy in addressing the disease burden of osteoarthritis is prevention.  Preventing injuries is also important to ward off osteoarthritis. Ask your doctor about lifestyle management tips that are specific to your OA needs. At present clinicians manage patients with a combination of methods. So, if you are suffering from osteoarthritis, there's hope.



 If you’ve spent any time outdoors, you’ve likely encountered ticks at some point. Ticks usually attach to animals, but sometimes they may bite you too. Ticks can spread diseases, including Lyme disease. Lyme disease is weird, and mysterious and could be a stubborn disease.

    Celebrity musician and pop singer Avril Lavigne had even been diagnosed with Lyme disease. She has been following a severe battle with the disease. Lavigne revealed and opened up in news interviews about her symptoms, treatment, recovery, and health.

 How does Lyme disease spread?


Lyme disease is a tick-borne infection that affects any organ of the body, muscles, and joints including the brain and nervous system, and heart.

 Lyme disease emerged over the past three decades in the majority of Asia, North America, and Europe, especially in areas associated with woodland habitats and green space.

 Ticks are the leading carriers of Lyme disease. Ticks are small, blood-sucking bugs. They can change in size from as tiny as a pin’s head to as large as a marble. They can transmit the disease to human hosts. Ticks get infected when they feed on small rodents are reservoirs for the bacteria and spread to humans typically by nymphs (immature ticks). Those working in and visiting tick areas are most at risk of acquiring the infection.

 The risk of Lyme Disease multiplies during the summer when ticks are aggressive, but they can be found year-round in areas where temperatures are cold.

 What are the symptoms?

 Most of the people who are bitten by a Lyme-carrying tick don't realize that infected immediately. The bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi is transferred to humans by its bite. Lyme disease causes different symptoms, and it usually starts within several days to a few weeks after a tick bite, illness with several symptoms like a red expanding rash (known as erythema migrans), a headache, weakness, chills, flu-like symptoms, fever, fatigue, muscle and joint aches, and swollen lymph nodes. The patient will eventually lose their ability to walk independently

 As soon as you notice its rash and other possible symptoms, consult your healthcare provider.


Diagnosing and treating the disease is difficult. Doctors base a diagnosis of Lyme disease on a careful and detailed history and a complete physical examination supported by laboratory testing when appropriate.

If diagnosed early, Lyme disease patients will be prescribed antibiotics and may recover thoroughly. But sometimes it will take years to diagnose, by which point, the disease may have caused permanent neurological or cardiac damage.


    Lyme disease is often treated effectively with oral antibiotics, but a small number of patients require intravenous antibiotic therapy. Neurologic-related symptoms may also need intravenous therapy.

    The good news is once a person is healed, they are no longer infected. However, it can take months, and sometimes years, before you feel entirely well.

    Bad news: is that there is no immunity. You could very quickly get Lyme disease again if you get bitten by another tick. So, you better be aware.

     Lyme disease is a big deal. What’s important is to seek your doctor’s expert advice as soon as you suspect a tick bite anywhere in your body. 




Have you been told you have degenerative disc disease? Do you know what it is?

Disc degeneration is the primary cause of disability, especially in older people. Sufferers understand how painful it is. Every movement seems to make it worse.

 What is Degenerative Discs Disease?

    Degenerative Discs Disease, known as DDD, is one of the most misunderstood causes of low back and neck pain. Most people over 30 are already had some degree of DDD but do not show or cause distress or any other symptoms. However, as the discs degenerate, the possibility of those problems becomes greater. Degenerative Discs Disease is usually just a result of normal wear and tears on the spine over time. However, injuries can hasten the degeneration. DDD varies in its nature and severity.

 Causes of Degenerative Disc Disease

Degenerative Disc Disease can affect in any part of the spine. It mostly happens in the cervical Spine or Lumbar SpineAging causes the discs to lose fluid. They will then collapse and sometimes crack. That’s because our body’s capacity to repair itself becomes weak.

As we grow older the disc dries out and doesn't absorb shocks as well; it reduces the space between the vertebrae; it affects the structure of our spine. This is why some people become shorter as they age.

Another cause is Injuries which can cause swelling, soreness, and instability, and can result in low back pain.

 Symptoms of Degenerative Disk Disease

     Degenerative disc disease often causes no symptoms at the onset. However, when symptoms happen, it occasionally intensifies for a few days or more. It includes pain that comes and goes and can be severe.

     A person can feel the pain anywhere from the neck down to the legs, and it gets worse when bending over, sitting, twisting, lift anything.  Other symptoms also stay the same over time.

When to see a doctor

If DDD symptoms such as fever with back pain, bowel/ or bladder dysfunction, unexplained and fast weight loss, or severe stomach pain occur and become persistent – see a doctor immediately. These symptoms are suggestive of more severe conditions and should receive immediate medical attention.


The treatment focuses on minimizing pain, stabilizing the spine, and improving or even maintaining the ability to move our body.

The surgical procedure is not necessary for treating degenerative disc disease but is somehow recommended if the spine is unstable or when pain cannot be relieved by other means.

 For many people suffering from this disease, changing positions, walking, and running can help ease the pain. The most effective way is to lay down because this removes all the weight and pressure from the problem area.


     There are cases of advanced degeneration which, in some instances, can become real problems, but it does not cover all people with such a condition. Combinations of pain management techniques, physical therapy, and some skills to control the symptoms will greatly help.

     Learning more about DDD is very important. The more you learn, the more you can manage and less fear it. No matter what severe pain we are facing, taking the right measures is the only solution. We can’t let anxiety rule our life, we need to be courageous enough to look for the best treatment.




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