Sunday, February 5, 2023


     Hyponyms are specific examples of a general word, group, or classification.\


    The example above shows that the general word, group, or classification is colors. Yellow, blue, red, and green are the hyponyms.

    Categorizing word is a good strategy for increasing your vocabulary. Words may be classified based on their specific groups. These classifications will help you understand the common characteristics of certain items.

The words above are classified or grouped into one. Orchids, daisy, rose, lirio, gumamela, sunflower, sampaguita and lily form one group or classification. They are all categorized as flowers.

 Words may be classified or grouped based on the similarities of their characteristics. The categorization of these words is known as hyponyms.

Task 1:

Using the table below, classify the words inside the box based on their respective groups or categories. Do this in your notebook.

Task 2:
Using the given words, identify the hyponyms taken from the given sentence. Write your answers in your notebook. 
 1. food: We will go to the supermarket and buy meat and fish for tomorrow’s celebration. 
2. parents: Mother and father are both wearing pink shirts. 
3. drinks: What is the taste of milk and coffee if you mix them together? 
4. insects: Frogs eat mosquitoes and bugs.
Task 3:
Choose the word that does not belong to each group. Write your answers in your notebook. 
1. gumamela             rose         sampaguita         malunggay
2. van                         bus             car                 cellphone 
3. mango                    apple         chocolate       pineapple 
4. pandesal                 coffee         milk             juice 
5. carrots                     egg           cabbage        eggplant

click to download: Hyponyms Tarpapel



         Aside from homonyms, another way of increasing one’s vocabulary is through homographs. Homographs are related to the concepts of homonyms.

Homographs are types of homonyms. They have the same spellings but different sounds and meanings.

Examples Of Homographs: 

live - performance played while happening.

live - to stay alive/spend life.


It can be difficult to distinguish between two Homographs because of how similar the two words are. It is easy to determine which form of the Homograph is intended through consideration of context, as each word of the Homograph has a different meaning. It is likely that the other term of a Homograph was what the author had in mind when one word doesn't make sense.

It is possible to create a pun by putting the two words in the same sentence. One can say that the archer fired his bow before drawing a bow. A relationship that is not innately meaningful is suddenly given meaning by the writer's imagination, which is excellent for various types of poetry and wordplay. The language evolved so that the two words just so happen to mean the same thing. The coincidence could be elevated to something bigger by creative thinking.

Read the examples below. 

Read and read are homographs. They have the same spelling but different pronunciations and meanings. Read1 means you are instructed to read something while read2 is the past tense of read.

The examples above are homographs. They have the same spellings but with different sounds or stress.

Task 1:

Identify the correct answer for each item. Write the letters of your answers from the choices below.

_____1. The teacher presented her class _____ to her pupils.

_____2. The doctor will _____ the test findings.

_____3. The townspeople will _____ the proposal to cut down trees.

_____4. This rock is the _____ that I saw while on my way home.

Task 2:

Identify the correct answer for each item. Write the letters of your answers from the choices below.

_____1. You must do this exercise for one _____.

_____2. The presenters will _____ before the guests during the ceremony.

_____3. The secretary will prepare the _____ after the meeting.

 _____4. Some hunters use _____ and arrows in hunting for wild animals.

Homographs Tarpapel


Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Even Numbers and Odd Numbers

 What is an Even Number

An even number, also known as a multiple of two, is an integer that can be divided by two without a remainder. Even numbers are found in sequences such as the integers from zero up to infinity and in counting numbers. Even numbers include 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, and all other whole numbers that can be divided by 2 without a remainder.

What is an Odd Number

An odd number is an integer that cannot be divided evenly by two. Examples of odd numbers include 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, and so on. Odd numbers always have a remainder of 1 when divided by two. They are also referred to as "odd integers" or "odd whole numbers". Odd numbers are known to be very useful in mathematics and computer science.


 Let’s learn what is an even number:


In the sections below, we’ll look at some additional intriguing methods to grasp even numbers, their features, and fun facts about them.

How do we identify these numbers?

1. By comprehending the number at the “ones” place

In this approach, the number in the "ones" place is analyzed to see if the number is even or odd. All the numbers ending with 0, 2, 4, 6, and 8 are even numbers. For example, numbers such as 14, 26, 32, 40, and 88 are even numbers.

2. By grouping

A number is an even number if we divide it into two groups with the same number of elements.


Homonyms Quiz

 A homonym is a word that is pronounced and spelled the same as another word but has a different meaning. They are commonly used in the English language and can often confuse learners. Homonyms are essential for understanding speech, as they provide an opportunity to think about how words can have multiple meanings.

An example of such a thing is the words, too, to, and two. There may be words that are spelled alike but have different meanings.

This ten-question quiz will test you on some of the most commonly confused homonyms.

1. I love the ­­­­­­_____ of the fresh flowers.
      a. scent       b. sent      c. cent

2. The dog likes to ­­­___ his bone in the sand.
      a. bury      b. berry     c. barry

3. The contractor plans to _____ a skyscraper.
    a. build      b. billed      c. bill

4. I went shopping for a _________car.
      a. gnu      b. knew      c. new

5. The money for the field trip is ______on Friday.
      a. dew        b. due          c. do

6. The weather outside is very_________.
       a.chilly      b. chile       c. chili

7. The cat has a __ around his neck.
    a. caller      b. collar          c. caul

8. Megan waived____ as she left school.
     a. buy        b. bye               c. by

9. Mother ordered a loaf of ____ from the bakery.
    a. breed      b.bred          c.bread

10. He is not _____to eat candy.
    A. allowed     B.  aloud     c. a loud

Sunday, January 29, 2023

Daily Lesson Log (DLL) for Grade 3 Quarter 3 Week 1

 Learning lessons is fundamental to ensuring the delivery of teaching and learning in schools. These guidelines aim to support teachers in organizing and managing their classes and lessons effectively and efficiently and ensure the achievement of learning outcomes.

    Lesson planning helps teachers set learning goals. It helps teachers make sure students achieve their goals.

 The DLL is the daily lesson log for Grade 3 in Quarter 2 Week 8 of the school year. You can use it in your daily teaching of grade 3 learners. 

Download your GRADE 3 QUARTER3- WEEK 1 DLL 2022 – 2023 Daily Lesson
I hope for the best for all our fellow teachers.  


Monday, January 23, 2023



Timbre -  is the color of sound produced by the voice and different instruments. A quality of sound that distinguishes one instrument from another.

The human voice is a vital medium of expression. Male and female voices may be classified according to quality and range.

Classification of Voices

  Male                    Range                                  Female

  1. Tenor                     highest                             soprano
  2. Baritone               middle/ medium            mezzo soprano
  3. Bass                        lowest                               alto


                                     O  R   C   H    E     S   T    R      A

The word orchestra refers to a group of musicians playing different instruments. A large orchestra needs a conductor. He guides the orchestra and directs the performance through his or her facial expression, body movements, and hands gesture.

Preparing the orchestra for performances is a tough job for a conductor. He or she reads and interprets music notations and makes decisions on how to communicate the music with the desired tempo. Volumes and articulations.

The orchestra is a large instrumental ensemble that contains four family instruments: the string section, the woodwind section, the brass section, and the percussion section


Classification of instruments

  1. String instruments- are instruments that are plucked or bowed and are often referred to as the “ heart of the orchestra “ because of their versatility and usefulness.
  2. Violin- the leader and the heart of the orchestra. Played by moving the bow to and fro across the string.  

  3. Viola- a little larger than a violin. It is tuned a fifth lower than a violin. 

  4. Harp- a stringed instrument that is played by plucking 

  5. Double bass- largest among the stringed instruments that have the lowest pitch. 

  6. Cello- larger than the viola. Held by a player between his/her knees and moves the bow to and fro. 

Woodwind instruments – produce music when musicians blow the mouthpiece 

  • Piccolo- is the smallest instrument in the woodwind section. It has a range of octaves higher than a flute. 

  • Flute- has a high range and is capable of producing fast series of tones. 

  • Oboe – is the most dramatic woodwind musical instrument. 

  • Clarinet- is a cylindrical instrument with a cup-shaped mouthpiece and a flaring bell at the end. 

  • Bassoon – is called the “ clown “ of the orchestra for it has a long curving metallic mouthpiece. It is tone soft and mellow. 

Bass instruments are used to produce sound by means of blowing.
They are made of brass metal.

  • The trumpet- is the main instrument of the brass section which has a brilliant and brassy sound.

  • Trombone- is the only sliding instrument in the brass section that changes pitch in any key. 

  • French Horn- is 12 feet long and sounds more mellow than the trumpet. 

  • Tuba- is the largest in the brass section and has the lowest pitch.  

Percussion instruments- are played by striking the instruments with sticks or hammers while others are through shaking or rubbing like maracas.
Two classes
1. pitched
2. unpitched


Pitched Percussion

Timpani- known as kettle drums. It produces a thunderous effect when played continuously. 

Xylophone- it can be of different lengths of wooden bars suspended on a frame of two rows, representing the white and black keys of the piano 

Glockenspiel- known as bell-Lyra or orchestra bell. It sounds like little bells with a bright and silvery tone. 

Tubular Bells- known as chime bars. They produce a church bell sound.  


                                                                      Unpitched Percussion

Bass Drum-
the largest of the orchestra drums. It produces an awesome booming and thundering effect. 


Snare drum- it produces a dry rattling and crackling sound 

cymbals- two round metals held by leather straps fastened through the holes in their central domes. They clashed together with sliding motion or were struck by a stick to make a sound.

Others are castanets, gongs, tambourines, maraca, and triangles that belong to unpitched percussion. 


Using the Advanced Features of Slide Presentation Tool



Multimedia presentation software is a tool that does not simply use pictures, sounds, and text but also uses the following helpful elements that will convey messages.

Multimedia presentation is an effective tool used in different fields such as business and education. It allows faster and easier grasping of ideas and concepts.

 A multimedia presentation can be easily created and edited using Microsoft PowerPoint. You can add videos, soundtracks, and animation to it. Individual video clips can be dragged and set into the presentation. Animations can also be added to a specific slide. Sound clips, videos, or even still pictures can be used to enhance the presentation.

How to Add Video Clips from File

Audio and video are great tools to make any presentation interesting and exciting. Here are the procedures.

1. Choose the slide that you want to use. Click the Insert tab from the Menu box. Then go to Media Clips.

2. Choose the Movie button. Click on the small download arrow below the Movie button. Several options will be present but simply choose Movie from a file.

3.  Find the file that you want to insert. Click on the file once to select it and click on the OK button.

4.  Answer the dialog box that will appear asking your preferred way of starting the video in the slide show. Once done, you may adjust the size.

5.  To modify the playback options of the video, click it once. You may customize the options that will appear in the menu bar at the options tab.

Daily Lesson Log (DLL) for Grade 3 – Week 5, Quarter 4

    SOFTCOPY: WEEK 5 DLL -Q4   The Daily Lesson Log (DLL) for Grade 3 – Week 5, Quarter 4 plays a crucial role in guiding teachers through ...