Daily Lesson Log (DLL) - GRADE 3 QUARTER 1- WEEK 8

Planning lessons is fundamental to ensuring the delivery of teaching and learning in schools. These guidelines aim to support teachers in organizing and managing their classes and lessons effectively and efficiently and ensure the achievement of learning outcomes.

Daily Lesson Log (DLL) is a template teachers use to log parts of their daily lessons. The DLL covers a day's or a week's worth of lessons and contains the following features: Objectives, Content, Learning Resources, Procedures, Remarks, and Reflection.


Preparing for lessons through the Daily Lesson Log (DLL) or Detailed Lesson Plan (DLP) provides teachers with an opportunity for reflection on what learners need to learn, how learners learn, and how best to facilitate the learning process. These guidelines also aim to empower teachers to carry out quality instruction that recognizes the diversity of learners inside the classroom, is committed to learners’ success, and allows the use of varied instructional and formative assessment strategies including the use of information and communications technologies (ICTs), and enables the teacher to guide, mentor, and support learners in developing and assessing their learning across the curriculum.

 GRADE 3 QUARTER 1- WEEK 8 DLL 2022 – 2023 Daily Lesson Log. 
 I hope for the best for all our fellow teachers. 


GRADE 3 QUARTER 1- WEEK 8 DLL 2022 – 2023 DLL


GRADES 1 to 12




Grade Level:




Learning Area:


Teaching Dates and Time:

JULY 10-14, 2022 (WEEK 8)











I.              OBJECTIVES



A.    Content Standard

Listening Comprehension



Reading Comprehensions



B.     Performance Standard

Show enjoyment in the story heard with comprehension.

Use grammar in oral and verbal language correctly.

Use grammar in oral and verbal language correctly

Organize, process, and use information effectively.



C.  Learning Competency/Objectives

Write the LC code for each.

·         Enjoys listening to a story

·         Note details in the story listened

Appreciate Tukos effort to fulfill his dream

( EN3LC – Ia-j-2 )


Use the plural form of nouns.

( EN2G – Ig –h-2.3 )


Use the plural form of nouns.

( EN2G – Ig –h-2.3 )


Make and confirm predictions.

( EN3RC – If – j-2.8 )




II.             CONTENT







Tuko, the Tenor Wanna Be

 Plural form of nouns ending in -y

 Plural form of nouns ending in -o

Making and Confirming Predictions


Summative Test









D.    References







1.     Teacher’s Guide pages










2.     Learner’s Materials pages







3.     Textbook pages







4.     Additional Materials from the Learning Resource (LR)portal







E.     Other Learning Resource







IV.           PROCEDURES







A.    Reviewing the previous lesson or presenting the new lesson


Recall the story of Tuko the Tenor Wanna Be

Recall the story of Tuko the Tenor Wanna Be




B.     Establishing a purpose for the lesson

Unlocking /Vocabulary & Concept Development (opera house, conductor, recital, tenor, giggle, tuko) using pictures Refer the pupils to LM – Activity 83 on page 92.

Let pupils name the pictures.

Let pupils work on “The Star Award for Tuko” (LM Activity 85)

Refer the pupils to LM – Activity 85 on page 93.

Let pupils name the pictures.

Let pupils work on “The Star Award for Tuko” (LM Activity 85)

Refer the pupils to LM – Activity 85 on page 93.

 Let students recall the story about Tuko by asking them to predict and confirm their predictions of the ending part of Tukos story.


Are you ready for the test?


C.   Presenting examples/Instances of the new lesson

Read the story aloud. Stop at indicated points to ask the children what they think will happen next in the story.

Present words with singular/plural form to pupils

Present words with singular/plural form to pupils

Post strips of sentences on the board related to the topic.

Present the test materials.


D.    Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills # 1

1. What did Tuko want to be?

2. What did Tuko do to fulfill his dream?

3. What did his mother and friends tell him?

How do we change nouns ending in y into plural forms?

How do we change nouns ending in o into plural forms?

Discuss with the class how to make predictions about the characters of a story


How do you prepare for the test?


E.     Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills # 2







F.     Developing mastery

(leads to Formative Assessment 3)


Give an activity that enhanced their knowledge in forming nouns ending in y into plural forms.

Give an activity that enhanced their knowledge in forming nouns ending in y into plural forms.

Let pupils practice making predictions through guided listening activity.



G.   Finding practical application of concepts and skills in daily living


Pantomine Tuko in the story.

Let pupils work in pairs on the singular/plural form of words in the activity sheet

Let pupils work in pairs on the singular/plural form of words in the activity sheet

Let pupils work in groups on making and confirming predictions



H.    Making generalizations and abstractions about the lesson

What lesson did you learn today?

How do we form nouns into the plural form of nouns?

How do we form nouns into the plural form of nouns?

How can we come up to make and confirm predictions?

What did you learn today?


I.      Evaluating learning

Do the Draw and Write task. Refer to LM- Activity 84 on page 93.

Use the plural form of the following nouns in sentences:

1.  strawberries

2.  toys

3.  butterflies

4.  boys

5.  monkeys

Use the plural form of the following nouns in sentences:

1.  strawberries

2.  toys

3.  butterflies

4.  boys

5.  monkeys

Read the story. Answer the questions about it. Refer the pupils to LM – Activity 90 on page 98.

See testing materials.



J.     Additional activities for application or remediation

Copy a story like you heard in our classes and reflect it to yourself.

Write 5 sentences using the plural form of nouns ending in -y

Write 5 sentences using the plural form of nouns ending in -y

Write 5 sentences using the plural form of nouns ending in -y

Study hard.


V.            REMARKS




VI.           REFLECTION



A.    No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation



B.     No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation who scored below 80%



C.   Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have caught up with the lesson



D.    No. of learners who continue to require remediation



E.     Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work?



F.     What difficulties did I encounter that my principal or supervisor can help me solve?



G.   What innovation or localized materials did I use/discover that I wish to share with other teachers?




This lesson focuses on initiating conversations with peers. At the end of the lesson, you are expected to initiate conversations with your peers in a variety of school or home settings.

 What is meant by initiating?

-Initiating means to begin.

 What is meant by peers?

Someone at your own level, a person of the same age, the same social position, or having the same abilities as the person in a group.

In conversation, we can talk about something that happened in the past, topics related to the future, or ask about feelings, likes/dislikes, or interests.

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E-Class Record Templates (DepEd)

The K to 12 Education Program uses standards and a competency-based grading system. These are found in the curriculum guides. The minimum grade needed to pass a specific learning area is 60, transmuted to 75 on the report card. The lowest mark on the report card is 60 for Quarterly Grades and Final Grades.

To supplement DepEd Order 12, s. 2020 titled Adoption of the Basic Education Learning Continuity Plan (BE-LCP) for School Year (SY) 2020-2021 in light of the COVID-19 Pandemic, DepEd Order No. 31, s. 2020 titled Interim Policy Guidelines for Assessment and Grading in Light of the Basic Education Learning Continuity Plan, discusses guidance on the assessment and student learning and on the grading scheme to be adopted this school year which is still basically anchored on DepEd Order No. 8, s. 2015 titled Policy Guidelines on Classroom Assessment for the K to 12 Basic Education Program.

How Is a Learner’s Progress Computed?


DepEd Order No. 15, s. 2016 shall be followed in grading kindergarten pupils’ progress. Checklists and anecdotal records are used instead of numerical grades in both situations. These are based on learning standards found in the Kindergarten curriculum guide.

Grades 1 to 12

To evaluate student learning at particular points in each quarter, summative assessments shall continue in the form of written works (at least 4) and performance tasks (at least 4).

Written works shall be administered to assess essential knowledge and understanding through quizzes and long/unit tests. Items should be distributed across the Cognitive Process Dimensions (DepEd, 2015,p. 4) using a combination of selected-response and constructed-response formats so that all are adequately covered.

Performance Tasks

Performance tasks refer to assessment tasks that “allow learners to show what they know and can do in diverse ways. They may create or innovate products or do performance-based tasks [including] skill demonstrations, group presentations, oral work, multimedia presentations, and research projects. It is important to note that written outputs may also be considered performance tasks” (DepEd, 2015, pp. 7-8). Thus, the rubric to be used must be clear to the learners. Teachers may use existing rubrics or may contextualize one.

How Is Assessment Conducted Remotely?

Teachers must ensure that the following details are explained well:

a. Objectives of the assessment- Learners shall be informed about the kind and reason for the assessment.

b. Roles of learners and parents/guardians- Due to various limitations especially on the reliability of the assessment, it is very crucial to orient the parents and learners on their roles—how and to what extent parents can assist the learners.

c. Procedure and expected timeline- The Weekly Home Learning Plan shall serve as a guide for both parents and learners especially on the timeline and tasks to do. Online teachers shall set a timeline depending on the context/ situation. Teachers may adjust the set timeline in the LMS considering various limitations.

d. Standards and Rubric- An analytical rubric is highly encouraged to better explain how the grading will be done.

Note: The teacher must consult the learners and when necessary, parents/guardians, to allow room for adjustments.

How Are Grades Computed at the End of the School Year?


There are no numerical grades in Kindergarten. Descriptions of the learners’ progress in the various learning areas are represented using checklists and student portfolios. These are presented to the parents at the end of each quarter for discussion.

Grades 1 to 12

Written works and performance tasks shall be administered to assess the content and performance standards that describe the knowledge, abilities, and skills that the learners are expected to demonstrate. These tasks could be designed to include the following:

a. Student’s Learning Portfolio – This includes all the pieces of evidence of learning within the grading period including self-reflections, self-evaluations of performance tasks guided by rubrics, and self-selected outputs in learning modules.

b. Minimum of four (4) written works and four (4) performance tasks within the quarter, preferably one in two weeks integrating two or more competencies.

c. All competencies should be covered by the performance tasks.

b. Minimum of four (4) written works and four (4) performance tasks within the quarter, preferably one in two weeks integrating two or more competencies.

c. All competencies should be covered by the performance tasks.

Weight Distribution of the Summative Assessment Components per Learning Area for Grades 1 to 10

Assessment Components   Language/ AP/ EsP    Science/ Math     MAPEH/ EPP/ TLE
Written Works         40%                  50%             30%
Performance Tasks        60%           50%              70%

Weight Distribution of the Summative Assessment Components per Learning Area for Senior High School

Assessment ComponentsCore Subjects (Academic Track)All Other SubjectsWork Immersion/Research/Business Enterprise Simulation/Exhibit/PerformanceTVL/Sports/Arts and Design TrackWork Immersion/Research/Business Enterprise Simulation/Exhibit/Performance
Written Works      40%    40%                       50%             30%               30%
Performance Tasks       60%    60%                      50%             70%              70%

How Is the Learner’s Progress Reported?

The summary of learner progress is shown quarterly to parents and guardians through a parent-teacher conference, in which the report card is discussed through the applicable platform. The grading scale, with its corresponding descriptors, is described below. Remarks are given at the end of the grade level.

85-89Very Satisfactory (Passed)
80-84Satisfactory (Passed)
75-79Fairly Satisfactory (Passed)
Below 75Did Not Meet Expectations (Failed)

DepEd Promotion and Retention

A final Grade of 75 or higher in all learning areas promotes the student to the next grade level. The figures below specify the guidelines to be followed for learners’ promotion and retention as stipulated in DepEd Order No. 8, s. 2015.

For Grade 1 to 3 LearnersFinal Grade of at least 75 in all learning areasPromoted to the next grade level
Did Not Meet Expectations in not more than two learning areasMust pass remedial classes for learning areas with failing marks to be promoted to the next grade level. Otherwise, the learner is retained in the same grade level.
Did Not Meet Expectations in three or more learning areasRetained in the same grade level
For Grade 4 to 10 LearnersFinal Grade of at least 75 in all learning areasPromoted to the next grade level
Did Not Meet Expectations in not more than two learning areasMust pass remedial classes for learning areas with failing marks to be promoted to the next grade level. Otherwise, the learner is retained in the same grade level.
Did Not Meet Expectations in three or more learning areasRetained in the same grade level
Must pass all learning areas in the ElementaryEarn the Elementary Certificate
Promoted to Junior High School Certificate
Must pass all learning areas in the Junior High SchoolEarn the Junior High School Certificate
Promoted to Senior High School
For Grade 11 to 12 LearnersFinal Grade of at least 75 in all learning areas in a semesterCan proceed to the next semester
Did Not Meet Expectations in a prerequisite subject in a learning areaMust pass remedial classes for failed competencies in the subjects to be allowed to enroll in the higher-level subject
Did Not Meet Expectations in any subject or learning area at the end of the semesterMust pass remedial classes for failed competencies in the subjects or learning areas to be allowed to enroll in the next semester. Otherwise, the learner must retake the subjects that failed.
Must pass all subjects or learning areas in Senior High SchoolEarn the Senior High school Certificate

E-Class Record Templates (DepEd ECR for SY 2022-2023)

E-Class Record Templates (DepEd ECR for SY 2022-2023) The Department of Education (DepEd) has announced through DO 34, S. 2022 that the use of Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELCs) will continue. However, the classroom assessment should follow DO 8, S. 2015. This means that the old Modified ECR Template is no longer valid because it does not have input fields for quarterly assessment. We have to use the old and original Automated DepEd E-Class Record Templates for this school year.

Automated DepEd E-Class Record Templates for elementary

Download the Automated DepEd E-Class Record Templates for Elementary from the link below:

 E-Class Record Templates for Elementary


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