The Friendly Ants

                                                             The Friendly Ants

            Once upon a time, in a small village, there lived a group of ants. These ants were special because they were not like the other ants in the village. They were always happy and cheerful, and they loved to make new friends.

One day, while the ants were searching for food, they met a caterpillar who was struggling to cross a small stream. The caterpillar was afraid of the water and did not know how to swim.

The friendly ants saw that the caterpillar needed help, and they decided to work together to help it cross the stream safely. They formed a chain by holding onto each other's legs, and the caterpillar climbed onto the chain. The ants then carefully walked across the stream, taking care not to let the caterpillar fall.

The caterpillar was grateful to the ants for their help and wanted to become friends with them. The ants were happy to have a new friend and invited the caterpillar to join them in their search for food.

The caterpillar was slow, but the ants did not mind. They worked together to find food and shared it with the caterpillar. They showed the caterpillar how to climb trees and reach fruits and leaves.

Days passed, and the caterpillar grew into a beautiful butterfly. The butterfly was happy to have made such wonderful friends and wanted to do something special for them. So, it flew over to a nearby flower and collected some nectar. It then flew back to the ants and shared the nectar with them.

The ants were surprised and delighted by the butterfly's gift. They thanked the butterfly for its kindness and continued to be good friends with it.

From that day on, the ants and the butterfly continued to help each other, share food, and have fun together.


1.                Who did the ants meet while searching for food?

Why was the caterpillar afraid of the water?

3.                How did the ants help the caterpillar cross the stream?

4.                How did the caterpillar show its gratitude to the ants?

What did the ants and the butterfly do together?

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Daily Lesson Log (DLL) for Grade 3 Quarter 3 Week 10 SY 2024-25