Stories with questions- THE SICK LION

                                                                 THE SICK LION

          All the animals in the forest were happy because they heard that their cruel king was sick. The lion did not come out of his cave as he usually did. He sent out a message to his subjects that he wanted to bid them goodbye before he died.

          “What does he want to see us for?” asked the deer. Maybe he will give each of us a share of his wealth.”

          All the animals went to see their King Lion except the fox. He sat on a tree and watched the animals go inside the cave. He waited for them to come out, but no one did. Later that afternoon, King Lion appeared at the entrance of the cave. When he saw the fox, he said, “Why did you not come to see me? Don’t you want to share with the other animals what I have given them?”

          “I want to visit you, my King,” said the fox. “But I am sure your home is crowded now. All the animals have gone inside your cave and no one has come out yet.”

          “Ha! Ha! Laughed King Lion. “They all wanted to stay inside the cave. You will be staying there for a long time, if you will wait for them to come out.”

          “Never mind, my King,” said the fox. “I am a very patient animal after all.”

          He went away happy because he was still well and alive. He knew well why not a single animal came out of the cave. “Our King Lion thinks he is wise but he cannot deceive me with his tricks. He will never catch me alive.”

       The fox went away as fast as he could from the lion’s cave with the decision never to come back.

Answer the following questions:
1. What made the animals in the forest happy?
a. the message that their king was sick
b. the party that will soon be held for them
c. the message that they will receive a share of the lion’s wealth

2. What message did the lion next send his subjects?
a.a.  The lion wanted to ask for forgiveness.
b. The lion wanted to bid goodbye.
c. The lion was fast recovering from his illness.

3.  Why did the animals do whatever the lion wanted?
a. The lion was their king.
b. The lion was kind to them.
c. The lion supported them with their meals.

4.   Who did not go to see the lion?
a. the fox                     b. the deer                  c. the rabbit

5.  What prompted the animals to see the lion in his cave?
a. their love for their lion
b. their respect for their king
c. their greediness for wealth

6. Was the lion sick?
 a. No
b. Yes
c. Somewhat

 7.    What do you think happened to the animals that entered the lion’s cave?
a.  They were imprisoned inside the cave.
b. They were all killed by the lion.
c. They were made to prepare food for the lion.

8. Which of the words below best describes the fox?
a. a. Lazy
b. wise
c. coward
9. What is the moral lesson of the story?
a. Obey at once.
b. Don’t bite the bait.
c. Don’t think evil on your ruler

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Daily Lesson Log (DLL) for Grade 3 Quarter 3 Week 10 SY 2024-25