Saturday, April 1, 2023

Daily Lesson Log (DLL) for Grade 3 Quarter 3 Week 8


GRADES 1 to 12




Grade Level:




Learning Area:


Teaching Dates and Time:

APRIL 3-7, 2023 (WEEK 8)







Content Standard

The learners demonstrate an understanding of…

sources and uses of light, sound, heat, and electricity

Performance Standard

The learners demonstrate an understanding of…

apply the knowledge of the sources and uses of light, sound, heat, and electricity

Learning Competency

Demonstrates and uses light, sound, heat, and electricity. S3FE – IIIg –h- 4


Electricity (Conductor and Insulator)



A. References


1. Teacher’s Guide Pages


2. Learner’s Materials pages


3. Textbook pages


4. Additional Materials from Learning Resources


B. Other Learning Resources




A. Reviewing the previous lesson or presenting the new lesson

.Sound and Heat

B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson


 What did you feel when someone in your life, there is totally no electricity to use? What did you do?

C. Presenting Examples/instances of new lesson

PowerPoint about electricity

D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #1

What is the video all about or the PowerPoint you watched?

E.  Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #2


F. Developing mastery

(Leads to Formative Assessment)


G. Finding Practical applications of concepts and skills

Group them into five. Draw at least four things that need electricity to run.

H. Making generalizations and abstractions about the lesson

What is electricity?

I. Evaluating Learning

J. Additional activities for application or remediation

Cut objects that are run by electricity.





A. No. of learners who earned 80% on the formative assessment


B. No. of Learners who require additional activities for remediation


C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have caught up with the lesson.


D. No. of learners who continue to require remediation


E. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work?


F. What difficulties did I encounter that my principal or supervisor can help me solve?


G. What innovation or localized materials did I use/discover that I wish to share with other teachers?



Saturday, March 25, 2023

Daily Lesson Log (DLL) for Grade 3 Quarter 3 Week 7


GRADES 1 to 12




Grade Level:




Learning Area:


Teaching Dates and Time:

March 27-31, 2023 (WEEK 7)



I.LAYUNIN (Objectives)


A.Pamantayang Pangnilalaman ( Content Standards)

 Demonstrates understanding of continuous and repeating patterns and mathematical sentences involving multiplication and division of whole numbers.

B.Pamantayan sa Pagganap (Performance Standards)

  Is able to apply knowledge of continuous and repeating patterns and number sentences involving multiplication or division of whole numbers in various situations.

C. MgaKasanayan sa Pagkatuto (Learning Competencies)


Determines the missing term/s in a given combination of continuous and repeating patterns.



Patterns and Algebra

Determining the Missing Terms

III. KAGAMITANG PANTURO (Learning Resources)


A.Sanggunian (References)


1.Mga pahina sa Gabay ng Guro (Teacher’s Guide Pages)


2.Mga Pahina sa Kagamitang Pang-Mag-aaral (Learner’s Materials Pages)

LM pp.280-281

3.Mga pahina sa Teksbuk (Textbook Pages)


4. Karagdagang Kagamitan mula sa portal ng Learning Resource (Additional Materials from Learning Resources (LR) Portal)

Math 3 Curriculum Guide

B.Iba pang Kagamitang Panturo (Other Learning Resources)

IV.PAMAMARAAN (Procedures)


A.Balik-Aral sa  nakaraang aralin at/o pagsisimula ng aralin (Review Previous Lessons)

Checking of assignment                                                                                     


How did you make your pattern?

B. Paghahabi sa layunin ng aralin (Establishing purpose for the Lesson)






C. Pag-uugnay ng mga halimbawa sa bagong aralin (Presenting examples /instances of the new lessons) 

Analyze the patterns on the chart.

Relate to the lesson yesterday.

D. Pagtatalakay ng bagong konsepto at paglalahad ng bagong kasanayan  #1  (Discussing new concepts and  practicing new skills #1.



 Ask questions about how the pupils can determine the missing numbers.

E. Pagtatalakay ng bagong konsepto at paglalahad ng bagong kasanayan #2 (Discussing new concepts & practicing new slills #2)

Discuss  how they come up with their answers

F. Paglinang sa  Kabihasaan (Tungo sa Formative Assesment 3)

Developing Mastery (Leads to Formative Assesment 3)

G. Paglalapat ng aralin sa pang araw-araw na buhay (Finding Practical Applications of concepts and skills in daily living)

H. Paglalahat ng Aralin (Making Generalizations & Abstractions about the lessons)

Let the pupils state ways of determining missing term/s in the pattern.

I.Pagtataya ng Aralin (Evaluating Learning)


J. Karagdagang gawain para satakdang-aralin at remediation (Additional activities for application or remediation)

Draw/Construct examples of shape patterns, number patterns, and letter patterns. (1 example each)

V.MGA TALA (Remarks)


VI. PAGNINILAY (Reflection)


A.Bilangng mag-aaralnanakakuhang 80% sapagtataya (No.of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation)


B. Blgng mag-aaralnanangangailanganngiba pang gawain para sa remediation (No.of learners who requires additional acts.for remediation who scored below 80%)


C. Nakatulongbaang remedial? Bilangng mag-aaralnanakaunawasaaralin? (Did the remedial lessons work? No.of learners who caught up with the lessons)


D. Bilangngmga mag-aaralnamagpatuloysa remediation? (No.of learners who continue to require remediation)



Daily Lesson Log (DLL) for Grade 3 – Week 5, Quarter 4

    SOFTCOPY: WEEK 5 DLL -Q4   The Daily Lesson Log (DLL) for Grade 3 – Week 5, Quarter 4 plays a crucial role in guiding teachers through ...